woodywoodpecker Active Forum User

Joined: 30 Sep 2015 Posts: 50
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:06 am Post subject: Galactic Conquest Redux v0.96 Release! Celebrate good times! |
The new "Batttlefield 1942" Mod "Galactic Conquest Redux v0.96" news is written by Django from the:
Created by [GCDev]Django
This is my final task on a nearly solo funproject I started 3 years ago.
I started as a GCDev in 2004 and I could never let my fingers from it till today.
Cause of the lack of players over the last years I started to implement Dnamro's GCX addon to original GC5.3 to make a standalone mod including the old modes plus full bot support.
A main reason was for me to have fun with my new Maps from the 2011 Mappack. But on that way I ended up doing and overworking the bot support on all Maps plus a few new ones.
But know I feel it is time to put an end to modding. One reason is the lack of freetime, the other is for sure the release of battlefront3 this november.
Maybe you have fun to give this baby a try!
GC_Redux V0.96 a standalone GCmod included full bot support: Download
What you will get are new features like
-bot supported objective mode on a revised GC_Deathstar, GC_Taskforce, GC_Tanaab (beta)
-revised GC_Hoth with new features
-GC_YavinIV : a pure Jedi Map
Installation notes:
!!!Please move all versions of GC you got to a sav location in order to run this mod without errors !!!!!
(You may sav the original GC 5.3 and the GC 8.1 (worth to play! from Kurosaji and team))
-Place the GC_Redux folder within your mod folder
This Version of GC_Redux0.96 as a standalone mod isnt related to a (leaked) GC_Redux ( 1.0) version you might have found earlier around in the net.
If you meet anyone that calls himself an "Execute Producer" of Galactic Conquest please ignore him! Because as a original GCDev I should really know if my mod has a Leader!
-additional keys for cinematic feeling: NumBlock 2 enables freecam
NumBlock 1 Hud On/Off
Jedis: ( on YavinIV and who knows where else..)
1. Lightsaber, 2. Throwing Lightsaber, 3.Flash, 4.Use the force(Push), 5. Heal, 6.Repair
- the best I was able to get from the old bfengine
you can catapult others and yourself up in the air by the UseTheForceWeapon
-use the invisible parachute („9“) to land save
zoom in/out on the right mouse button at 2 and 4Use Button = boost sprint
-leave the uplifts near the LargeTurbolasers via Pos2
Alaris Prime: coop/conquest mode/objective mode without bots
-The Generator in the basement of the Building Complex is destroyable and powers the Ioncannon
Deathstar: objective mode with bots!
Taskforce: objective mode with bots!
Tanaab: objective mode with bots!
Podrace: sorry, only conquest mode (Press altfire for turbo and fire for repair)
Bonusrace: sorry, only conquest mode
Mini_Hoth: a very nice Map from Kurosaji ( Dev from GC8.1)
ExtremePrejudice: tuned
Swamps of Dagobah: revised (original Map by Dnamro)
infantry only
Jaksonia: a fun Map by Jackson (BF-games community)
Kessel: revised
Endor: revised, maybe you like to destroy the shield generator? First you will need R2D2x to open the bunkerdoor!
WIP Maps (conquest/coop):
Balmorra: new world, new statics
- Statics/Textures are beta
-Jedi infantry battle
BalmorraRace: Podrace!
-play in conquest mode! The CP's are moving targets. You will get the idea!
Mustafar: this thing is strange!
- testmap for the IASP Wip
plus an endless list of tweaks in all kind of files, Maps, Vehicles, including some new models, Textures, biks and sounds...
Impossible to list it here.
I am sure you will find and notice new features and gimmicks en masse!
PS:If you find any bugs or want to give a feedback please do it on bfmods.com
or If you are more familar with German (like me) post it on bf-games.net
Of course I like to do bug fixes and minor tweaks!
Thx to the community from:
Special Thx to:
- Dnamro for his original GCX and support
- ApacheThunder for his ragdoll animations and cloud system and other stuff and tips!
- Kurosaji for his GC_MiniHoth
- DerNachbar for his superb AlarisPrime Statics
- HC83 for his great textures on AlarisPrime
- the original GCDevs
have fun !
Please leave a comment here and share us in your community: http://hg-clan.blogspot.de/2015/10/galactic-conquest-redux-v096-release.html#comment-form
Let's smoke together, a friend of the Battlefield 1942 Universe Community talk to me  _________________ Woody Woodpecker says: no! Trees are for climbing, not hugging you sissies! |