woodywoodpecker Active Forum User

Joined: 30 Sep 2015 Posts: 50
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:00 am Post subject: Framtaday Events: EoD Vietnam 10th & Star Wars/Pirates! |
Heute habe ich die Event Einladung zum Wochenende leider nur auf englisch, hoffe ihr habt Verständnis dafür. Wenn ihr was nicht verstehen solltet, fragt einfach hier, helfe euch dann.
Hi friends of Eve of Destruction Vietnam Mod, it's Octobeeer!
Now it is summer happening again, Vietnam calls: "Charlie don't surf time"!
Already for the 10th time this year.
Her since being invited in regardless of whether your operating system is Windows XP, Vista, 7,8 or 10 means!
Friday night, the 07.10.2016 at 08:00pm CET o'clock we go, coat it on thick in your calendar or mobile Oragnizer.
For this year let's rock that 9th Friday mainevent on hslan.
Movie appetizer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzEmrZ98Tqs
In addition, we visit the server daily in the evening from 08:00pm CET! If do you want, you can meet us with some guys there.
So please not only hold the date on the event, which takes place every first Friday monthly, come one evening you can spontaneously.
Server Name: [hslan.de] EoD Classic 2.51
Port: 14567
What you need to play? :rotate:
1.) Basic for the new Fans: Download
2.) bf1942.exe Patch for finding Server extract to your "..EA GAMES/Battlefield 1942.." Folder and overwrite the old one: Download
3.) Eve of Destruction 2.51 Mod, got the 5 Parts + 2.51 Hotfix (don`t forget this small one): Download
How i install a mod? In which path of the folder i install a have mod? Click this picture:
So, this must then look at you.
Writes some comments, if it worked for you? And if You were be there? Your Comment or Feedback is always welcome on hg-clan.blogspot.com!
Come on, peak the visits on the Server up!
There we play:
The Second part of the news today comes here. We invite you this weekend to the Saturday Afternnon Pirates and Galactic Conquest Event on the 1942mods.com munity Server.
The Battlefield 1942 Community "1942mods.com" (undergoing a revamp) is pleased to announce the creation of a new dedicated server featuring two excellent mods: " Galactic Conquest" (Star Wars) and Battlefield Pirates! 1942mods.com invites you to join our next event! saturday October 8th. While other classic mods like DC, FH, BF1918 have their own servers and communities, there's been a lack of GC and BFP representation for some time now. We want to fix that.
The new server ("1942mods.com BFP, GC") is listed through the [aX] master server so you'll be able to join if you're running any of the latest modified/patched BF1942 installations.
If you lost your copy of the BF game here: Download
We're also thrilled to announce our first scheduled BFP+GC Event which will take place on Saturday, October 8th at 1 PM EST (1800 UTC) and our time "4pm CET" in Europe will last at least a few hours.
Make sure to download and install both modifications: Battlefield Pirates and Galactic Conquest 8.1 before joining as the server will switch mods every 3 or 4 maps.
Speaking of which, we want to know what YOUR favorite maps are for both mods as we update the
24/7 maplist for the server. We currently run:
Finally, click here
...to join our Discord server. Connect with other BF1942 mod fans and stay up-to-date on server events. See you on the battlefield!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/classicbattlefield/comments/5540p9/new_bfpirates_gc_server_and_event/ _________________ Woody Woodpecker says: no! Trees are for climbing, not hugging you sissies! |