woodywoodpecker Active Forum User

Joined: 30 Sep 2015 Posts: 50
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:23 pm Post subject: Battlegroup42 RC 3 Bug Report Marathon and more |
After the Release at 10th October the Community have found some Bugs in the Battlegroup42 RC3 Mod. Since the time the Battlegroup42 devs fixed the errors as good as they can. Twenty days after the first Patch (Patch 1) is Released. Now the community collect more errors to make this RC3 update successful.
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RC3 bug report no. 2
Small update on the reported bugs: The faulty projectile on the Bf110 G-2/R4 and Ju-87G has been fixed. Several floating objects on Montherme and Operation Shingle have been fixed. The almost unusable stationary Hotchkiss machine gun has been re-coded. On Snowy Park, the Germans now have a Flamethrower class as well. Ticket bleed on Operation Citadel has been fixed, it now requires 4 out of 6 CPs to be captured by the same team in order to start ticket bleed for the other team. The missing propeller spinner on the J2M2 has been added. The M3 Satan no longer damages itself while using the flamethrower. There were a few other bugfixes as well.
Just a reminder on bug reports: Please be as precisely as possible, always name the exact name of the map, the game mode (like Conquest, Coop, Objective etc.), if you played online/on a LAN or offline. Same goes for vehicles, planes, ships, small firearms etc., please always include as much information as possible.
We still have to take a look into a land mine related problem, which was reported to cause crashes, but my testing so far didn't show any kind of problems.
Oh, and one other thing: Please make SURE to check all hashes of the files you downloaded, if even ONE of the files is damaged, the game/mod WILL cause problems and crashes that have nothing to do with the mod, but are solely the result of damaged files.
Note on extremely low "splash" damage in RC3
I think that many of you that are testing RC3 right now, have noticed that hand grenades are almost useless, as well as bombs and other weapons that cause splash damage (damage caused by shards and splinters from the explosion). In my rework of the damage system, i coded the splash damage according to the direct damage (when a bullet hits infantry, for example), but forgot that the splash damage in Bf42 is somewhat strange. In fact, it has to be coded with much higher values than the direct damage. Example: The soldiers in BG42 have 30 hitpoints, which means that every DIRECT hit with a grenade, bullet etc. that causes more than 30 HP damage will kill you, except you are too far away (just like in real life). If you code splash damage the same way, you're in for a big surprise. The same values cause much less damage, so they have to be set much higher to be effective.
In older builds of BG42, the splash damage was set too high for many weapons, causing ridiculous damage (remember destroying several vehicles at once with one tiny bomb ?). For RC3, i wanted to reduce this damage to more realistic values, but completely forgot about those values, which resulted in almost useless hand grenades, far too low splash damage for bombs etc.
So it's definitely my fault, i screwed that up. But i'm already working on fixing those values, and they will be implemented in the first patch for RC3. I hope you can forgive me this stupid mistake
RC3 bug report no. 3
The splash damage has been increased, hand grenades and other weapons with splash damage now cause more damage. The mobile M5 AT gun was fixed and can now be used again. The Russian M1939 AA gun has been fixed and can be destroyed, its gunner be killed. Several faulty spawns like stationary AT guns and machine guns being placed too low or floating in the air have been fixed.
RC3 bug report no. 4
While checking/fixing the reported bugs, i found a serious code bug in one of the objects supplying ammo to infantry. It lacked one line of code, and one line was faulty. I'll check all objects with ammo/health supply depots to make sure they're ok.
The Coop mode for 4005-willemsbrug was removed for the upcoming patch. It shouldn't have been in there in the first place, because it's still work in progress. My apologies
First person view of the P-40 Kittyhawk/Tomahawk has been fixed as well, the red cross is now centered correctly.
RC3 bug report no. 5
Found another serious AI bug in one of the new additions (Swordfish). Bug has been fixed.
UPDATE: Swordfish spawn on Attacker class carriers fixed
RC3 bug report no. 6
- fixed faulty rudder on Mosquito and Swordfish
- improved Swordfish flight physics
- reworked the suspension mesh on RAM Kangaroo
- fixed the faulty plane spawns on Taiho carrier
- fixed the no cockpit 1P view on some planes
- reworked mantlet and gunbarrel for Jagdpanther
- reworked soldier spawns in Coop mode on 4307-114_to_messina
- fixed ticket bleed on 4504-royan_outskirts
RC3 bug report no. 7
another small update on the ongoing bug hunt:
- added missing crosshair to Swordfish rear gunner
- lowered two sandbags on 4503-paderborn to allow proper aiming and firing of PaK 40
- removed the overheating of Oerlikon 20mm guns (similar guns don't have overheating at all)
- changed the firing rate and ammo amount of 20mm guns of Bf 109 F-4
- removed the centerline "Motorkanone" from Bf 109 E-3
- replaced the FlaK 38 on the Hilfskreuzer with a FlaK C/30
- changed ammo amount of FlaK C/30 to 20 rounds per magazine
Unlike mentioned earlier, the patch release will not be this week, i'd rather wait for more bug reports coming in to make sure that the most serious bugs are ironed out. Non-critical bugs like slightly floating trees or other statics can be adressed for the full release, so don't expect all of them for the patch.
RC3 bug report no. 8
- fixed bombs on G4M Betty (no longer destroys itself)
- removed faulty camouflage net on 4504-uelzen
- fixed 1P view on KhT 130 tank
- added missing glass on IL-4 fuselage and turret
RC3 bug report no. 9 (after Patch 1) (7th november)
- added missing winter texture for 2cm Flakvierling
- added crosshairs to B-17 waist gunners
- fixed 1P view of M11-39 turret
- reworked Coop and pathmaps on 4104-adria_annexion
- fixed position of stationary mgs on 4406-fox_green
- created collision mesh for the tunnel on 4011-kalamas_line
- reworked Coop and pathmaps on 4011-kalamas_line
- reworked Coop soldier spawns on 4312-ortona
note: Due to the amount of fixes, added meshes and textures, there won't be another patch for RC3. All the reworked content and bug fixes will be in the next full build.
If do you (the community) find some more bugs, please let us to know?
Yet the chance that the error will be corrected.
The Bug Report is made by Sarge31FR on the offical Battlegroup42 Facebook Group.
 _________________ Woody Woodpecker says: no! Trees are for climbing, not hugging you sissies! |