woodywoodpecker Active Forum User

Joined: 30 Sep 2015 Posts: 50
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:22 am Post subject: Battlegroup42 Wiki "this is for the fans!" |
The Western Front of the First World War was a war of disease-infected trenches, hellacious artillery barrages, toxic gases, early armored beasts, revolutionary duels betweeen knights in the air, and charges of unrestrained courage. Many of Europe's last Empires met their end in last days in no man's land and disorder at home.
Sign Up (you have got register there): http://www.forgottenhonor.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=69235
What do you need is?
Game: Battlefield 1942
Patch: bf1942.exe patch, for find back Gamspy Servers: Download
Mod: BF 1918 v3.1 Mod for the Campaign (install 3 Parts): Download
Teamspeak 3: Download
Address: ts1.forgottenhonor.com
You want to enjoy the invite Forgotten Honor Teaser?
There it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3CvnVQS870
If do you like it please share it to your friends please!?
In this campaign, you will get the choice to serve as an Entente soldier, protecting France and the Low Countries from another Germanic invasion, or an Imperial German stormtrooper, serving as the guard on the Rhine and marching on the long road to Paris.
Experience a balanced and exhilarating Battlefield 1918 campaign with:
* A continuing legacy for Battlefield 1918
* A unique virtual reenactment of WW1 including combined arms operations between infantry, artillery, tanks, and bi-planes.
* Over 10 grueling Saturday battles in the Belgian and French countryside.
* 2 sides led by experienced veterans nominated by you, the player, with teamwork oriented armies employing strategies and co-operation with promotions and rewards for your achievements.
* New friendships with likeminded people from all over the world
* It is free and everybody is welcome!
What is a campaign?
A campaign is a series of connected battles where we recreate the timeline of the war. Here at Forgotten Honor it also means teamplay and organized gameplay. Campaigns take about 8-10 weeks and every Saturday we will have one 4-hour battle. All battles are counted towards the final score which determines the army that won the overall campaign.
How does it all work? Simple! In the beginning of every week our campaign management announces which map will be played that Saturday. Headquarters and officers of each army are responsible for creating plans and strategies which will be used for that map, as well as awarding medals and promotions for last week's battle.
Every army has a training server to use during the week for scouting and practice, as well as their own Teamspeak channels and locked sub-forums (we call them barracks) for communication and entertainment. Everyone can participate in all weekly activities and events as much as they want!
About Battlefield 1918
Battlefield 1918 is a total conversion modification for the highly acclaimed Battlefield 1942. Taking place during the First World War, Battlefield 1918 offers a unique experience in trench, tank, naval, and aerial warfare. Players can play a wide variety of maps with nations including Germany, Austro Hungary, Ottoman Empire, British Commonwealth, Russia, France, Belgium, Italy and more.
About Forgotten Honor
Forgotten Honor is an international gaming community that has a great amount of experience in arranging online events for games. Founded in 2004 by several players who wanted to organize ''teamwork'' emphasized battles for video games, Forgotten Honor has been growing until becoming one of the leaders in online events market. Nowadays hosts several tournaments and campaigns for different games, organizes multiple events, has its own modding development unit and is supported by an active community: here
(Source: forgottenhonor.com) _________________ Woody Woodpecker says: no! Trees are for climbing, not hugging you sissies! |